Bpecific measuremen's that will o omit a general evaluation and
thus releac® the field perscnn@) ard laboratory facti‘ties for
the study of special probleme of interest.

Phyaicas meusyremt:.ts
As in past *xperinents it is desirable to odvu.in tne dvroad

Dasic measurement of the relative amounts,

composition, partiele

ize, and non-fission components of the fallout matertal.
accomplish the study the following prolJects should de included
in the phrys!cal measurements progeran.


Surface readings of radioactive contamination of

the islands at l-inch ard 3-foot levels.

These readings to be

made st the same time the biologioal samples are being odtainsd.

Complete chemical separations of milemearedle, .

with qutagpetive and quantitative evaluatagm of radlessticity


from fieekem and non-fission product sownghy.
Determination 7f the physical M@ture of the fallout

eeterial wine techniques



3itilar to ‘hoe deserided in vewr-33 *

Gellection and evaluati.n cf soi: and lagoon bottem

rPefiatiam eentent, sinitlar to the studies of DWRFL-43 ;

Molemice. evaluations

Te Biological nonitoring progran spewld be one of adequate sampling to ‘nd: cate
radiation contaminattor.

urders cf magni tude and trands of
By limiting the

and using miy svectfir

tissues sore

Aevelop other aerects of’ the

collections to certain
time wiil

pr grat

ne aval.-

« beRes oe


Select target paragraph3