-8blee @ goed indicater of the presence of cuntemineted water and
iA the past nee often yielded the highest counts per wilt wigt

of e131 the orgariams in tha collection.

Por these reacens pla

pen tews should be made st the same time as the sensduled gon

orwell collestions far wand tor ing Biological contami astian.

"grasn’ P
During the past testing operations a nusber ef ‘ereah” probdlees have erisen.

Thrie type of problem should be realistically

Pianmed for in developing a program ae exteneive and varied as

shat planned for the syring of 1995.
Pollowing the Ceatie test, at least eight problem areas devoleped wich required evaluation and wiieh cecupied the tine,
snergy and faeilities of the Laboratory for the major pert of the

past yeer and one Ralf.
% provide for =zexzpected probleme that almocet certainly
will artes éuring te eoming series, two .. rour of the Labere3ery7'S eenior setentific staff should de aveilable at the DEEL
Per reaesignment as needed.


(1) Po define the area of coeanico contamina-

340n due te fallout fram the 195€ spring testing program.


Te eveluste the raediocestivity of water, plankton and fish in the
; comtaainated ares,

Select target paragraph3