Par an

EO ~ Mr, Gtucts


SS + Re Hirsah

1. Merny of the points raised in tho attached artiale, wiich was farm
warded to ne for comment, sean to be in line with the basic facts underlying
some of the current miolear energy projects, although the interpretstiona

may be susosptibls of argument.

2, For exemple, "For nanths the Comittee, spenrhsaied ty Cole, has been
trying te get a controversial repart on the defenses of the country agiart
atomic atteck." This ig canfirmed by Representative Cole's remarks at the

Waldorft-astoria Hotel, April 29, 1°54, in which he criticised the lac.
development of the early warning line ecrose Northern Canada end op id


Seartaly a weok coes by but that ve are not reassured through optiaietic
press relessen that these negotiations are prowgeding harncniously, enticfactorily, ond with tue sense of urrenc; wi.ich the situations rood»
cannot detect eneny plumes with jrwss miesser or confortine wears ow


36 The next point raisec by or, Aicen congerns “rrev.gio.e in the «=
minictration's bill that would dnplesent tie Presicent's ;lem for - inter
national ureniim pool for peaceful purposes."

Perhrps the best omen’

this point is offexed by Secretary of State DOuwles yesterday ot the wolint

Committees Hearinzs, in which he sald:
" ..unti” we heve s clearer sc oof
how the interncifonal discusaions on tie rresident's jroj;cenm will volver,
we are not in a position to state that the bil eont-ine all the auJiority
weich vill ultimately be rejuired, Hovevor, the legucge wf the arr ored

bilis does not offer any obstacles to the Irosident's pronoen cnc
canersl y roundvor: neaded to implunent {%.'





4e Morse Saliebury Indicates that there is a corcertec atten; » uy
Derrocratio members of the Joint Cormiitee to iaolato the interneilowl
sections of the legislation for action at this seasion and to defer actim
on the domestic sections until the newt session of Congress. The ee ectsiion,
of course, is that the next Conrrans wil: be Damoerrtia and -muld © tl or3
& sanevhat differant pcsition with resect ti enooureaccse: t of orty *
development of mucleer - wer resources,


R, jlirseh
SS File

OCB (2p


acothlirech mos

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