by industrial firms of designs for civilian power reactors, Mr. Murray
said that he thought such a scheme had much to recommendit,
Mr. Hafstad discussed with the Commission the plans with regard to
other reactors, particularly the intermediate naval reactor and the
homogeneous reactor, which underlay the budget estimates before the
Commission, He said that on August 7th Mr, Smyth and he had been
invited to participate with Mr, William Webster and Dr. Wheeler Loomis
in further discussions of the aircraft reactor program.
At this point, Messrs. Hafstad, Weil, McCarthy, Manly, Shriver and

Tumbleson left the meeting.

2, Visit of Commissioner Smyth to Los Alamos and Colorado Plateau
Mr. Smyth reported to the Commission concerning his recent visit to

Los Alamos, and to Grand Junction and the surrounding areas,

He said

that Dr. Bradbury is preparing a memorandum setting forth certain views
on custody of weapons components.

He also reported on current tentative

Los Alamos estimates as to the feasibility of development of a thermonuclear
At this point Messrs, Trapnell and Thompson entered the meeting.
3, Press Release on DuPont

Mr. Shugg said that the Public and Technical Information Service had

recommended that a press release on DuPont's participation in the atomic
energy program be issued promptly, A front page article had appeared in

the Chicago Herald American stating that the DuPont Company was to build
the hydrogen bomb, In response to questions by the Chairman as to the
propriety of a release, before the House Appropriations Committee had acted

on the Commission’s supplemental budget request, Mr. Shugg pointed out
that a letter contract with the DuPont Company was being worked out and
that commencement of operations by DuPont could be financed from $20
million of unobligated balances. After further discussion, the Commission:
APPROVED issuance of a press release on DuPont participation,

At this point, Messrs. Trapnell, and Thompsonleft the meeting and
Messrs. Tyler, McCormack, Cooney and Schlatter entered.
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