
of the environmental radiation and radioactivity should be made
in the first year of return and repeated, for example, every
other year.
13. Methods of disposal of plutonium contaminated soil and scrap
will have to be decided. Pending a decision, it is recommended
that cleanup should accomplish the recovery of plutonium
contaminated soil and scrap with storage onRunit(¥vonne). Ig
disposal is deferred for further study, such study should be
initiated promptly.



14. The cleanup, with particular attention to removal and disposal

of contaminated acrap, debris, and soil, should be documented

in detail in a final report by those responsible in the field.

15. Advantage would be takenof experience pained during cleanup

of Bikini Atoll. No objection should be made to employment of
Enewetak people during cleanup.



lusions regarding the validity
No attempt has been made to draw conc

on Standards for Hot
or the lack of validity of the proposed "Radiati
at Enewetak.
or its application
Particles" of Drs. Tamplin and Cochran

Enewetak Atoll weredeveloped
The guidelines for conducting the cleanup of
) after consultation with the
by the Atomic Energy Commission (now ERDA
ency based on standards established by the
Environmental Pro
elines are based on established
federal Radiation Council. Since these guid
planned that the proposed
standards set by competent authority, it is

ed AECguidelines.

. |

Select target paragraph3