The potential health hazard via the

The island of YVONNE presents a
unique hazard on Enewetak Atoll, Pure plu-

tonium particles are present on or closeto

to dictate two basic alternatives for

“hot spots” over most of the area fromthe
tower to CACTUS crater. Examination of

the entire island an exclusionarea — off

of occasional milligram-size pieces of plutonium metal, as well as smaller pieces

the "hot-spot"

the ground surface, randomly scattered in

remedial action for this island: (1) Make
limits to all people, or (2) conduct a

these "hot spots” has revealed the presence

cleanup campaign which willeliminate


lem and


which are physically indistinguishable in
size from the surrounding coral matrix.

necessary to reduce the soil plutonium

it must be
Giventhese current conditions,RY

other northern islands,

respirable size are now also presentonthe

of a 10-cm-thick layer of topsoil in the

concentration to a level comparable to
As an indication

assumed that pure plutonium particles of

of the volumes of soil involved, removal

surface or may be present in the future as

area in which “hot spots" have been

weathering effects oxidize and break down

detected involves approximately 17, 000°


- the larger particles. Lung dose assess-

m®* of material.

Further removalof soil

ments for this area, therefore, must be

to reduce the maximum plutonium con-

based on inhalation of pure plutonium

‘tamination levels to

particles rather than those having the average plutonium content of the soil.

i/gor less

involves an additional25,000m>of

vr. material.



The Task Group recognizes that the RODeae Atoll

are small and that the areas of highes

islands are smaller still.
close to the soil.

39Puin soil on these

On the other hand the people live

Itis also recognized that experts are not

in agreernent as to the critical organ for inhaled plutonium,

whether to use an average dose for this organ, or the model
to be used to predict dose. Itis the view of the Ta

that available biological andenvironmental informationis —
not adequate to establish gegeral guidance for cleanup of
plutonium contaminated soil. However,
idance for a


4 K

umstances or conditions can be developed
on 2 case-by-case basis using conservative assumptions

andonly _safety
factor. Theguicance
for use in‘making decisions concerning plutonium cleanup

operations on islands of Enewetak Atoll:



Any areas or locations where soil concentrations o

are greater than400 should receive corrective aetien
with contaminated soil removed for disposal.



" a~


Situations with soil le vels
i the 40

to 400 Ci/
receive corrective action wit
h eich6 1Sthtonsweln
on,a case-by-case basis.

ane ee peewee eee

ee ee,

inhalation pathway is sufficiently great

Select target paragraph3