
the averige level of activity in plankton from

ALlinzinac Lagoon in October 1955 was noted (UWFL+43:44) to be
highur than in Rongelap Lagoon on the wet weignt basis.

But if

the radioactivity per unit of ash weight instead of wet weight is

tne Ailinginae levels are no higher than in Rengelap Lagoon

neer Kibelle Isiani (Table 1).

it seems desirable to repor®t radioactivity of plankton

on an ash weight basis, even thouch other organisms and substances
migat more desirably be considered on a wet weight basis.

Figure @ shows the trend of radioactivity in the plankton
samples from Ronselip Javoon (from 1954 through 1958) related to



-O7-.c03 niot of

che beta activity on an ash weight

basis as determined with 2 methane Plow counter.

Tables 1 and 2.

Data are from

‘The dovted line siowing a decline slope of -3.5

was fitted by inspection to tne minimal points near 300, 600 and
1POo dex:s,

points removed as fur as possible from the effects of

the Reuwlns and Hardtuck serles of detonations.
The maximum level of the lagocn piankton a day or two after
March 1,

1°54 may be conjectured by extrapolating back one cycle

on Firure ©.

It is evident that maxima must have been at least

2),90°5 uc/ks of ash.
Furtner reference to Figure ° shows that Bravo must have contributed 10

comes as


times as mucn activity as Redwing, and Redwing 20 to
uch as Hardtack.

in tts pattern.

The decline picture is character-

Rises result from the fallouts,

Steen declines until the next fallout.

followed by

An SeoOe :





Select target paragraph3