

Radioactive debris from th


loud contaminated populated areas

which necessitated the evacuation of groups of Marshall Islands natives and certain
U.S. military personnel.

The experience gained frond]

was valuable in evalu-

ating radiological safety conditions on subsequent shots so that no additional

significant contamination of populated areas occurred.

The primary means of rapidly determining the relation of forecast to

actual particle trajectory was the use of aerial cloud tracking flights.


tion obtained from these flights, combined with reports from ground monitoring
stations, made possible rapid determination of fallout patterns after each shot.

21. The planned maximum permissible exposure (MPE) of personnel was 3.9

However, it was anticipated that this limit was too low considering

the number and expected yields of the weapons and devices to be tested.


fore, the provision of waiver of this MPE by the task force commander was established.

The Surgeons General of the three military Services and the Director,

Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC, approved the granting of waivers as necesary.

Only in relatively few cases was it necessary to do 80.


After Operation IVY, tables of personnel distribution were revised and

new requirements set up for CASTLE.

The Army, Navy and Air Force filled the joint

task force requirement for both officer and enlisted personnel.
tion additional personnel were found to be required.

During the opera=

These were obtained on

temporary duty status and sent to the forward area.

The decision of the Secretary of Defense to reduce surplus military man-

power in the military Services during 1953 resulted in the appointment of a DOD
joint manpower survey board under the monitorship of G-l, Department of the Army,
to study the personnel requirements of JIF SEVEN and to recommend an interim table
of distribution.

The Commander, JTF SEVEN, concurred with the report of the board

and the proposed table of distribution, which closely approximated the figures
previously estimated by CJTF SEVEN, was adopted.

The official observer program for CASTLE, as approved by the AEC and DOD,

provided for a total of twenty observers for each detonation.
were distributed equally between the AEC and DOD.

Space allocations

Military Air Transport Service

(MATS) arranged special air mission flights in conformity with the schedule of

Copieg D.



Select target paragraph3