
The preceding is a summary of the significant achievements of CASTLE in

the light of the scientific objectives previously set forth.

A summary of the

features of the weapons and devices tested is presented in Appendix H.

It can be

concluded that CASTLE achieved the following:



On & August 1952, CJTF SEVEN submitted a report to the Joint Chiefs of

Staff outlining the military participation program for CASTLE, then planned as a
4-shot nuclear and thermonuclear test operation scheduled for September - October,


On 20 October 1952, the Joint Chiefs of Staff made certain modifications to

this report and approved the program for planning purposes only.


the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed the joint task force commander to revise the
military force requirements on an austere basis.

Subsequently, the AEC and the

Department of Defense (DOD) approved a plan to broaden CASTLE to a 6-shot (all
thermonuclear) operation and to postpone the tests until January - February of

The program was later increased to seven shots.

The Commander, JTF SEVEN,

submitted modified support requirements, as directed, on 17 February 1953, having
withheld action until the AEC could formally present a proposed revision of the

CASTLE concept.

On 1, April 1953, the Joint Chiefs of Staff approved the modified

support requirements and authorized CJTF SEVEN to further modify the military

requirements as changes were made in the operational concept of the tests.


commander of the joint task force was further authorized direct communications
with the three military Services to effect further modifications,

The Joint

Chiefs of Staff instructed each military Service to establish suitable priorities
to insure timely manning and equipping of the task force and to provide additional
forces and services as necessary.

Military forces provided are reflected in


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