Brig. Gen. Bates Burne}


In our preliminary discussions, it has become apparent that the
hull-type of choice would be the 1466 class, fn order that the AEC
vessel might enjoy the economies and other clear advantages of the
matntenance and operating experience which Global Associates has
already developed around the KMR fleet of four similar vessels.
This, in turn, suggests that since the 1466 {1s an Army designation,
a preferred course of action might be to request that KR be
authorized to acquire from Arny assets, maintain, and operate an
additional LCU under scheduling control of the AEC.
Our present commitments envision approximately 30 operational weeks
per year for the Marshall Islands Research Vessel). Informally, we
understand that KKR might find attractive the prospect of utilizing

this vessel for range support (perhaps to assist with tha scheduling

of maintenance for its om fleet) during the AEC's"off season”.
Such an arrangement would seem clearly reasonable, and would be
spelled out fn a sienorandum of understanding covering the proposed

eee et Cpe neegAfea re oe ae Beli te ee ge


By this letter, I request your concurrence
my representatives to explore further with
and his staff the details of our tentative
a preliminary budget estimate. Should you
tion upon which to base your reply, please

{n principle to permit
the Commander, KHR,
proposal and to develop
require further {nformacall upon me.

Very truly yours,
Vchioii £. Gatet
Mahton £. Gates



commanders KAR, Kwajalein,

SAFSCOM, Attn: SSC-R, Col.
W. Walker, Huntsville, Ala. | 4
W. B. Hilts, Dir., PASO".

J. Stewart, OSD, NV

JOS} jas



Select target paragraph3