Granule fall time. Information regarding granule fall time as a function of
granule size was derived from the deposition models which were reviewed by
Norment (No66).

Four models of fallout settling were presented as a function

of granule size and initial height (No66). Expressions for granule fall time
from various heights were derived by using the model results of Davies,

Hedman, Hastings or Ksanda as presented by Norment (No66). The complexity of
each model varied, however, each investigator accounted for the aerodynamic
properties of irregularly shaped fallout granules.
The granule fall time
result versus granule size was best described by a power function in each

Tsuzuki indicated the observed fallout arrival time,

granule size distribution for Bikini Ash (Ts55).

cessation time and

This data was used to model

a power function relationship which related granule size to granule fall time

specifically for BRAVO fallout as follows:

T = 79.5 p09524

T = granule fall time in hours post BRAVO,

D = granule size in micrometers.

It was assumed that the largest granules in the Bikini Ash fell upon arrival

and smallest granules fell upon cessation of fallout.

The times of arrival and cessation of fallout were observed at Rongelap
and Sifo Islands and at Rongerik Atoll. The above equation was used to

estimate granule size at these locations.
The times of arrival and cessation
at Utirik were based on linear extrapolation of known arrival and cessation
times versus distance from detonation site.
Thus, granule size at Utirik
could be estimated using the ahove equation.

Fall Time of Size

At Median Activity



5th Lucky Dragon
Rongelap Island


Sifo Island


Utirik Island



Select target paragraph3