te ey ee one

The letters to the Secretary of the Interior and the Joint Committee
on Atomic Energy should be held without action until such time as the
Department of Defense makes a determination regarding its need for
continuing requirement for Bikini. By agreement among representatives
of Interior, State, Defense, AEC and the National Security Council,
' notification of our recommendation is being held up pending this DOD
decision, or until Interior asks us to send them our formal recommen-

dation, which they may do if the Department of Defense recommendation
is not forthcoming soon...
The staff will work with the Departments of the Interior, Defense and
State and the National Security Council on a joint public announcement
to be issued at such time as a decision is made on return of the
natives to Bikini.

4 f

John/B. Totter, Director

‘Division of Biology and Medicine




Committee's report

Draft ltr. to Secretary of

the Interior

3, Draft ltr. to Chairman, JCAE


7958| g1¢a1 P3095

Select target paragraph3