all other edible marine fauna will be eagerly sought. ‘The
fridacna and other large shellfish are especially prized by

these people.

The largest numbers of these animals are

said to have been found in the reef area of Nam and contin-

uing down to the end of Bokdrolul Island and the tip of this

continuous reef.

This includes the area from Bokbata

Island to south of Nam, where large atomic vlasts occurred.

Two islands were destroyed and a large area of the reef was

blown out.
“is unknown.

What effect this had on the shellfish population
It 4s logical to assume that many of these

creatures were Killed either during the blasts'‘or as a result
of the change in their environment after the blasts occurred.

Another important habitat for shellfish, especically Tridac-=,
was said to have been the reef area around the islands of
Luk&j and Jelete, which lie to the southeast of the previously
mentioned area.

These islands are also important as & source

of birds and their exes, as well as turtles and turtle egrs.

Utilization of the smaller islands of the atoll will of
course require transportation.

Some of these can be reached on

foot from the neighboring large islands, but many of these
islands are isolated and water transportation is necessary.

The relocatees will need a number of large sailing cances
and smaller paddling canoes.

A small schooner, of the fitty-

foot type used throughout the Marshalls, will probably also be

needed to move between the large islands of the atoll.
smaller craft are not able to carry much cargo.



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