The agricultural practices of the resettled islanders
will: probably be the same as in the past
intensive type of agriculture.

That is, a non-

Coconuts, arrowroot, pandanus,

and whatever breadfruit that can be grown will be grown.
The resettlement program will, of course, give the
Marshall Islands District Agriculture Department an excellent

opportunity to plan for the most efficient use of the land ir.
the atoll.

Improved varieties of food-producing plants can

be introduced and planted in the most efficient manner.


coconut groves, especially, can be planted to insure maximun


Tis will be a valuable project in terms of.

the local people and scientific experimentation in

atoll agriculture:


I believe that the Bikini people have become more orilenvca
toward a cash economy since their removal from the atoll.


is especially true of tnose who have had to cope with the casn

economy prevalent at Majuro and Ebeye.

This means that they

will probabiy be very much interested in copra production and

will want to maximize the yicld throughout the atoll.

While this

will aid in the rehabilitation program and the eventual economic
Btability of Bikini,


subsistence agriculture should not be

Mr. Hiyane is, of course, well aware of this aspect

of the problem of agricultural rehabilitation.
As I have indicated previously, the Bikini people can be

expected to make the maximum use of the local maririe resources.
Birds and turtles, and their eggs, fish and shellfish, and ail
severly 4
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