
the past.


Hiyane reports that the agricultural potential of

the islands mentioned is good.

Other smaller islands and

islets can also. be Geveloped later.
Unfortunately several of the islands have been completely

destroyed or ruined for agriculture as a result of the explosion of atomic weapons.

The smaller islands and islets in the atoll which were

never used for agricultural purposes will continue to provide

birds and turtles and their eggs. |
The surrounding reefs of these areas teem with fish and
other marine fauna as well.

This is an extremely important

factor in the local economy. ‘tt will be

crucial in the

successful relocation of the former inhabitants of the atoll.
The abundance and variety of the marine fauna on Bikini, are
invarlably central to any discussion of that atoll by its

former inhabitants.

The rich natural resources of Bikini are

always compared with the unfavorable situation on Kili.
Several factors point to Eneu Island as the most logical

‘Place to start the agricultural-economic rehabilitation of the

The final decision should, however, be made only with

the full concurrence of the Bikini people.
be done with che leaders of the group.

All planning snould

This is not only equit-

able but it wili prevent problems after the people have returned

to Bikini.



The excellent harbors off Eneu, Bikini, Nam and elsewhere
in the atoll wili of course be crucial in the rehabilitation
Arvensix I te

- 4.926|2I08/ COB,

Exsliceure 1

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