atoll on March 6, 1946.

Rorgerik has a dry land area of 0.65

square miles, scattered over approximately 17 islands.

has a lagoon area of 55.35 square miles.


This is mucn smaller

than the 2.32-square-mile land arca and 229.40-square-mile
Jagoon.area of Bikini, with its 36 islands
The attempt to settle at Rongerik was a failure, allegedly
Gue to the insufficient natural resources. A Board of
Investigation convened by the Navy on June 2, 1947, recommended

that the displaced Bikinians be moved again.



The Bikinians through their leader "King" Juda, as he was
erroneously christened by romantically minded newsmen, accom-

panied by three leaders (alzb) of Bikini, inspected Rongeri«,
Kili, Ujilang, Wotto and Ujae to try to find a suitable place

“4n which to relocate their people.

The Bikini people were

interested in getting back to their ancestral home as rapidiy
as possible and had allegedly regarded the past and future
resettlements as only temporary.

The period from June 2, 1947, to September 1, 1947, was
spent in inspecting these possible resettlement areas.
August 26,


1947 the council ol. the ex-Bikini people on Rongerik

sent the following letter to the American authoritics:

“To the Office at Kwajalein:

We the council have held a meeting

to find the best place to go to.

We have been

to some other places to inspect and have con-

sidered them.
In moving we find it quite a
problem. The place we all agreed to stay on
is: Rongerik Atoll.



PA gs


se, The Councii"




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