involve covering these sites with coral rock as recommended by

the AEC.

Cost estimates......ete,

Page ll, par. 1. Change to read....pending the maturation of
commercial and food erops. However, one of the important
reasons for a feeding subsidy is to insure both an adequate
and properly balanced diet for the Bikini residents in order
to minimize uptake of radionuclides as has been recommended

by AEC.

Page 12, par. 2. This item on establishing a general principle
concerning the disposition of lands within the Trust Territory
is not relevant to this plan wherein the decision has been made
to return Bikini atoll to its owners. The inclusion of this

item as a "major objective” could expose the plan to an added

complication that ie otherwise avoidable.

Suggest deletion of

paragraph 2.

Page 12, par. 3. Change to read....Implement a sound redevelopment program for Bikini atoll which will make.....etc.



Select target paragraph3