a role. The Department of Defense is another interested agency
since the research and development work in the military application
of atomic energy at Bikini atoll was jointly conducted by DoD and
AEC under direction of the highest levels of the U. S. Goverment.
The Bikini atoll was under military jurisdiction.......etc.

Page 6, par. 2.

Following the August-September survey trip the

Atomic Energy Commission prepared,....ete.

Page 7, par. 2. Change to read.....These people were removed from
Eniwetok shortly after removal of the people from Bikini. The
Eniwetok people were resettled on the...cseces @tC.

Page 7, par. 3.

Change to read....The total resettlement program

for Bikini, including clearing, redevelopment over a five year period,
plus the essential improvements to the Kili......etc.

Page 8, lst sentence.

Change to read......Survivel would be difficult

and the redevelopment of Bikini, without support of modern equipment
and methods, would be a painfully slow process covering many years.
This approach would be inconsistent.......ete.
Page 9, par. 1.

Change to read....Cleanup and redevelopment of

facilities to acccmmodate.....etec.

Page 9, last par. Change to read....coconut groves and other food
erops. Planting of pandanus trees on Bikini will be accaaplished
according to the AEC recommendation for removal of two inches of
topsoil from esch site over an erea covered by the crown of mature
trees. No radiological precautions will be needed on Bneu. The

4,500 foot airstrip.......@tc.

Page 10, par. 1. Change to read....Clearing of other islands of
test related debris should follow.....etc.....clearing will consist

of removal of test related debris, particularly.......etc.

Page 10, par. 2.

Change to read....The island of Bikini was the

population center....etc.

Page 11, top of page.

Change to read......Fach unit will consist of the

dwelling itself, cistern, bath house, toilet, cook house, etc. The
village center and housing unit construction on Bikini island will

Select target paragraph3