
Tae following comments apply to the proposed Bikinf re-settlement
program es appended to the letter, David 8. Black, Secretary of the

Interior to Cherles J. Zwick, Director, Burenu of the Budget, dated

Hovember ¢, 1963, with copies to the Atomic Energy Commiasion and
Department of Defense.

Page 1, par. 2. Change to read....The President's announcesent
was based upon s finding that exposure to radiation that would likely

result from repatriation of the Bikini people does not offer «
significant threet to their health and safety ané that these
exposures may snd should be reduced by taking certain simple

Page 2, por. 1. The statement on o U. 8. obligation regarding retara
of lend to civilian use {s superfluous since the decision in this
case has already been unde. Suggest deletion of this paragraph.

Page 2, par. 1. Split into two paragraphs and change to reed...»
The islande of Bikini atoll are greatly changed as 8 consequence

of the teats vhich vere conducted there in the late 1950's and the
1950's. Some islands have dieappeared or the remnants are sere
sand spits; still others heave been diminished in sise as a result

of blast effects and/or vave action; and loss of topsoil for the
ielends cf the atoll varies from sero to almost 100%.

While it

has been determined thet the island complex from Bikin{f to Eneu
is eafe for continuous habitation, radiation levels in the other

perts of the atoll precludes continuous use.

These other islands

and island complexes may be visited for purpoees of food collection

(bird, turtles, their eggs, etc.), but present eomlitions on these

islands precludes substantial agricultural development at thie time.

Bikini and Eneu axe overgrown with a jungle-like stand of scrub

vegetation which will sustain neither subsistence nor ccmerce.
This vegetation must be cleared and the two islands replanted to

coconuts and other food crops.
BPE oa ecve 8tl.

Page 4, per. 1.

Additionally, most of the islands

Change to read....The Atomic Energy Commission

has an interest because the Commtssion, under the Atomic Energy

Act of 1954 and its amendments, is given certain responsibilities

to protect health end minimize danger to life or property from
hazerds thet may be associated vith activities in which AEC hae





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Select target paragraph3