milk and reindeer meat made possible an early estimate of the


body burden

in Finnish Lapps. The average content of e,, in their diet was about 30 pe/g

Ca in 1960, i.e. twice that of the average Finnish diet. Assuming a discrimina~
tion coefficient of 4, the maximum 25 content of Lapp children could be estimated to about 7.5 pe/g Ca,
adult Lapp in 1960, a


or twice the value found in Helsinki children. For the

Sr bone-content of about 1 pe/g Ca could be assumed

L17/- Based on bone and urine analysis, Schulert /18/ estimated Eskimos, for
whom caribou is a staple in the diet, to form new bone with 12 pec Mon/g Ca,
four times the Pn, content of the average of the world population of the North

zone. Thus, although

Mos is enriched in Lapp and Eskimo bone at a

two to four times faster rate than the Northern Hemisphere average, the situation is not quite exceptional regarding his nuclide.
New possibilities for direct determination of body burdens of

1 aT

Cs in

Lapp were opened in 1961. In spring 1961 Kurt Lidén, Head of the Department
of Radiation Physics at the University of Lund, Sweden, determined at Lund the
13lo5 body burden of 3 Lapps oy whole body counting and obtained values about

40 times higher than for Swedes in general L19_/. Spurred by this alarming
result, he and his associates developed in summer 1961 a semiportable whole
body counter L2/ and determined with it the whole body ourden of 176 people

in Swedish Lappland in.Sept.1961 L6/. One month later 180 people were counted
at Inari, Finland, with the same equipment as a joint Finnish-Swedish project
£9,2a1/. The latter study also included an individual dietary survey and a

quantitative study of the 13!og content of the diet . With the help of a form
specially made for this survey and weighed samples of most important foods and

dishes each subject was interviewed about his diet. The results obtained in
Sweden and Finland were very similar. In Finland the male reindcer-breeding
Lapps contained on the average 245 ne ITog, 30 times the corresponding Helsinki

average (6.4 ne), while females and children had an average of 122 and 51 ne
1375, respectively. Intake of og from reindeer meat (70 - 90 @), fish (8
(8-16 %) and milk (2-16 %) was found to contribute 98 to 99 % of the total dietary intake of alg, From dietary data and the measured body burden a biological

half-time of 65 days for adult Lapps was calculated L9/- In Sweden the body
burden of Lapps in autumn 1951 was 30 to 100 % higher, that of non-Lapps 10 to
30 % lower than in Finland fa/, mainly due to a better availability of
refrigerators in the Swedish Lapp area.
Prompted py the new period of nuclear weapon tests a mobile whole body
counter installed in a covered truck was constructed by the laboratory of the

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