
Interval Medical History:

During the past year, the only disease epidemic of note was the recent

poliomyelitis epidemic,

No children in the exposed group were affected,

in children were less than 7 years of age,
12 of unexposed parents were involved,

All cases

Eleven children of exposed parents and

Mild residual facial or limb paralysis

of March 1) was noted in 8 and more severe paralysis in 2 children,

One adult

died of bulbar paralysis (see below).

Deaths - A, Four deaths had occurred in the exposed group: (1) #30, female,
60 years of age, Died, July 1962,*with a stated diagnosis of cancer of the cervix,
Previous examinations had shown progressive loss of weight and increasing hypertension,

On the past survey, bleeding was noted from the cervical os anda

gynecological checkup had been recommended but death occurred before this was carried


No autopsy was obtained, (2) #46, male, 84 years of age, Died July 1962,

History of arteriosclerotic heart ‘disease, a stroke a number of years ago, and

No autopsy was obtained,

(3) #26, male, 21 years of age. Died in Dacember

1962, two months after a fall from a coconut tree,

Death was preceded by dis-

orientation and amnesia with convulsive seizures and finally coma,
meningeal damage grossly and histologically,


Autopsy showed

Brain damage was the likely cause of

Other findings were few, but of interest was notation of giant and multi-

nucleated cells in the meninges area,

(4) #52, female, 55 years of age,

Died in

February 1963, with larnygeal paralysis during the poliomyelitis epidemic,
appeared to be from poliomyelitis with bulbar involvement,
- B, Death in a child of exposed parent: #107,

No autopsy was obtained,
female, 4 years of age,

Died in October 1962 of acute gastroenteritis and dehydration,

Child had a history

‘of malnutrition and weakness, skin infections, loss of pigment in hair,
was done,


No autopsy

Select target paragraph3