
velocity, higher collection efficiency, smaller collection area, more
reproducible performance and higher altitude capability, has been built
and flown several times by General Mills, Inc.

The others, still in the

preliminary design stage, promise high efficiency with lower resistance to
air flow, low weight, and still greater concentration of the sample.
Several flights have been made with /stratospheric air liquefaction

system designed by the Chicago Midway Laboratories to collect whole air
samples for calibrating the routine collectors.

Fig. 15 shows the collector.

The total weight of a typical flight train is close to a ton.

Results of

analysis of the samples collected by this liquid air system are now being
. A device is also being developed to collect separate particle size
fractions in the stratosphere for radiochemical analysis.
It is hoped that the development of high-altitude particulate sampling
devices will contribute not only to the solution of our own practical problem:

but also to a wide range of basic studies on such subjects as global exchange
processes, meteoritic accretion and others.

Hardtack Tracer Experiment
In order to help in distinguishing among various possible routes of

transport of debris from

test detonations, the AEC has recently

added the isotopes tungsten-185 and rhodium-102 to the list of analyses

These isotopes resulf’from neutron activation of materials

present in certain nuclear devices.

As far as is known, the proportions

of these radioactivities to the fission products in the debris resulting
from the Hardtack test series conducted in the Pacific Proving Ground last


spring and summer. were appreciably higher than from other sources.
isotopes can therefore serve as tracers for #™ Hardtack debris.



Select target paragraph3