

The sampling rate must be such that the balloon flight time at altitude

is less than about 2 hours since the difficulty of recovery increases with
increasing distance of the impact point from the release point.

This time

limitation implies volume flow rates of the order of 500 cubic feet per
minute assuming the collection efficiency is 25% or better.

The weight must be kept as low as possible, preferably less than 100 lbs

to keep the balloon size within reasonable limits.

The collection efficiency must be definitely known.

It should also be

high so as to reduce volume flow requirements to a minimum, and should be
independent of particle size, since the particle size distribution is unknown
The Ash Can system has suitable weight and volume flow rate and is relati:
inexpensive to manufacture and simple to operate, but it has a low filtration
efficiency @reliminary calibration data indicate about 20 to 25% at the lowes:
sampling altitude).

Furthermore, exhaustive laboratory tests have shown tha!

the collection efficiency varies strongly with particle size and air density.
This system has the further disadvantage for the radiochemist that the tenth
of a microgram or less of stratospheric dust which is collected, containing

less than a billion atoms of Sr-90, is spread over 5 square feet of thick,
loose-textured filter paper.

One may feel some anxiety lest some of them be

evaporated or otherwise lost under the rough treatment, such as ashing or
dissolving in quantities of strong acid, which is necessary in order to prepa
the bulky filter for chemical analysis.

Some desirable methods of study such

as autoradiography or electron micrography are rendered virtually impossible
by the bulk and dilution of the sample.
The AEC is sponsoring development work on several more advanced concepts:


an improved filter system, an improved electrostatic precipitator and a

rotating impactor.

The advanced filter system, designed for higher eee

Select target paragraph3