SOC |85

“2 :PBP

“arch 16, 195k
Mr. xermit H. Larson

Chief, Alamocordo Section
Atomle Enerry Project

University of California
Pe. Oe Dox 16h

eat Los Anveles 2), California
Dear Kermits

We expect to obtain 100-500 pounds of top soil from one of the

Pacifie Islands where there was heavy fallout. Presumably this
will be collected from an island sufficiently far away from the
point of detonation so that there will be little or no heavy
debris, and where the particulate matter would be relatively

It cecurs to us that it would be desirable to have som studies

on the uptake of «be radioactive material by plants groun on
warious types of soils. Provided you would be interested in
having some of -he radioactive soil for studies of this nature,
we will be glad to send you 100 pounds or a0.

If you are interested in this soil, will you let me mow as soon

as possible and we could have this sent direct to you from the
forward area rather than reehipping after it arrived tere.


Sincerely yours,

Paul 3. Pearson

Chief, Biology 2ranch

Division of Sielory and ‘‘edicine


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