October 15,

1961 which is the average production date of this nucl

in the 1961 test series.

This is not to convey that ali the Fe-55

currently in the stratosphere originated in the 1961 tests.
vert pci/100 SCM to disintegrations per minute per 10°

standard cuk

feet multiply by 0.6295.
One standard deviation of the counting error for all data in



To co;

this report is less than +20% and usually less than +10% unless annc

tated with the symbols:

One standard deviation of the counting error is between


One standard deviation of the counting error is between
+51 = 100%.


Activity is not detectable.

+20 - 50%,

This designation is applied

to data when one standard deviation of the counting
error is greater than +100%.



The nuclide concentration of a specific sample is considered suspect because it is inconsistent with the
concentration of the same nuclide in adjacent samples

in space and time or becaiise it is inconsistent with

Other nuclides in the same sample.

The nuclide activity for each sample is corrected for the normal
radiochemical parameters such as chemical yield and detection efficiency, but it is important to note that a blank adjustment is also

The value of the adjustment is determined for each nuclide by

analyzing a number of blank samples,

that is,

samples containing no

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