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All of the values reported by the contractor are corrected for a
reagent biank.


that the blank values reported here reficet

the con

handling at HASL and at the contractor laboratory.
Table 1 lists the results cf the analyses of the blanks for each

In general these data indicate low levels of contamination

for most of the nuclides,

however it is significant to note that the

average Pu-238 biank rose from C.C04 dpm in 1967


the amount of Pu-233 found ir

quentiy in

to 9.22 dom in 1968.

surface air sampies is fre-~

the range of 1 dem this blank may represent a significant

fraction of the total activity.
The results of analyses on standard samples are shcwn in Table 2.

These data are indicative of the accuracy cf the radiochem.cai analyses.

The values shown are the average percert deviaticns between

added activities and the results reported by the contractor.
most of the results are satisfactory,
tive bias in the

there appears



tc be a large pesi-

Pu~238 values for mich of 1968, which cannot be ac-

counted for by the increase of the blank ccntamination.

Samples sub-

standard solution do not exhibit this bias,

and it is therefore


mitted to the contractor during 1969 which were prepared with a new

bable that the pcoor results reflect a degeneration cf the Pu-233 star~
dard solution used for the preparation of the 1968 quality centrol

Select target paragraph3