
wens Ree




The significance of the levela of radioactivity in environmental samples
published in this Report may be understood more readily by comparing these

levels with the following "permissible levels for the general popplatian"

which have been adopted for use in New. Zealand.

These levels have been set as a guidé to limit the controlled release of

radioactive substances into the environment by licensed users in New Zealand,

They are levels which individually would not require pemedial or
preventive action and have been chosen to protect the most aensitive age
group in the population.
It is considered that any risk associated with these
levels is exceedingly small and that levels many times as great would involve
a hazard which is small compared to commonly accepted riska of life,

"Permissible levela" of Radioactivity
These levels were derived so as to ensure that the dose to any member
of the public arising from the controlled use of radioactive materials does

not exceed the Dose Limit recommended by the International Commisaion on
Radiological Protection,

me TER.

In Milk:

In Bone:

270 Strontium Units - maintained indefinitely in the milk,

67 Strontium Units.


In Milk:

7,000 pCi/g K - maintained indefinitely in the milk,

In Milk:

200 pCi/litre - as an average intake over one year,

Total Beta Activity of Mixed Fission Products Between 10 and 80 Days Old
In Air:

300 pCi /m? - for continuous breathing,

In Rainwater: 6,000 pCi/litre - for continuous consumption,

Select target paragraph3