
was again drawn through the data points.

re y

Theair fallout cencentration

expected .at the latitude of Bikini during May 1972 is approximately
16 aci/m>,

This concentration is only slightly less than the median value

found and only half the mean plutonium air concentration detected at Bikini
during this period.

New York.

In May 1972, 37 aci/m° were detected in the air over

Again we find a similarity..between the plutonium in Bikini and

New York air, and the Bikini mean concentration js still higher than world

wide fallout concentrations predicted for this latitude.

The 1972 data on air

concentration at Bikini also showed a strong geographical correlation, /°
The plutonium air concentrations increased in the samplers from the N.W.
to S.E. along the length of the Island.

There are, therefore, regions of

island that have higher plutonium aerosol concentrations than others.
individual inhalation exposure then must also depend on the time spent
working or living in a specific region of the Island.



In summary, without more detailed data from Bikini and without any
knowledge on the differer.ce between concentrations from large volumes of open air
and the concentrations in an individual's immediate environment resulting from

resuspension by a person during his daily routine, we can at least safely assume

that ‘the inhalation pathway for plutonium is comparable to New York.


available data strongly suggests that over certain regions of the Island the
‘aeolian concentrations are significantly higher than New York. If resuspension
by human activity is also important, there is a much greater chance of higher



exposure at Bikini through the inhalation pathway.




Select target paragraph3