-~14-the Bikini population is correct, and the estimated dietary intakes are
reasonable, it appears that the transfer across the gut wall of Pu incorpor-

ated into food products is greater than previously expected.


The New York data, where the major intake is via the inhalation pathway, if accepted as reported” also lead to altered conclusions regarding the

physiological transport of plutonium. /The reported levels in urine would
account for as much as 20% of the total estimated annual intake of Pu.
is a fraction that Ts much higher than believed possible.


If, however, the

estimated annual intake of Pu and the reported urine concentrations for New
York are correct, then Pu is eliminated more rapidly through the urine than
‘previously estimated.

This would indicate that lesser body burdens would

be expected from intake of Pu.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Energy Research



and Development Administration under Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48.

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