control group wes-selectedso that the doctors they could compare
exposed and non-exposed people.

This- The control proup consists of

unexposed people from Rongelap.

This group is considered quite adequate

for comparison with the exposed people of both Rongelap and Utirik.


slight genetic difference between the two populations was not considered
a sufficient reason to select a separate control group for Utirik.

One of your questions concerned the fact that the children of the
exposed islanders who were not themselves exposed have not been included
in the regular examination list.
This-was-dene because Large groups of
children of
/exposed parents have been studied elsewhere. Since none of these studies
revealed any distinet genetic effects, -radiation-caused illness or defects,
it was felt that such a study of the unexposed children on Utirik was not

Of course, children are examined and treated as needed at

sick calis whenever the doctors visit Utirik.

As stated earlier in this letter, many facts about radiation were not

known back in 1954 but the best available medical judgment was used
in decisions affecting the people of Utirik.

Studying the same problems

now, with the knowledge we have today, it appears that the doctors at that
time were not aware of the degree of exposure of the thyroid due to fallout.
This was especially true of the children because their thyroid is much



Soltis not surprising that with the information then available





Select target paragraph3