TG 132.1 Administrative Plan


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Personnel “Annex A

Gym shoes

Shower or beach sandals
Light raincoat
Hat, sun helmet, or cap with visor

1 pair

Extra pair corrective glasses

2 pair

Bath towels


1 pair

4 to 6

Government Drivers License

Personnel expecting to drive vehicles in the Forward Area should
obtain Government drivers' license prior to departure for Eniwetok.
The Task Group Transportation Officer at Parry Island will be autnoriz
to issue drivers' licenses in the Forward Area.
Honolulu Services


Honolulu Hotel Reservations
Mr. A. W. Hand, Manager of the Holmes and Narver Honolulu, T. H.,
office, is prepared to obtain hotel accomodations for our personnel in Honolulu. The hotels which Holmes and Narver
recommends are:



Edgewater - price about $6.50 per nignt for single

Niumalu, price about $7.50 per night for single

Youn, price about $5.00 per night for single occupan

Rates per person arc somewnat lower if one room is occupied by
2 people.
Requests for reservations should be sent directly to Mr. A. W.
Hand, Holmes and Narver, Inc., 1109 Bethel Street, Honolulu 13,
T. H. Special care must be taken to advise Mr. Hand in the event
plans are changed after reservations are made.


Personal Can.+as and Binoculars

If individuals desire to take their personal cameras and/or
binoculars as far as Hawaii, the Holmes and Narver office, Hickam
AFB, will arrange for storage of these items. As noted in
paragraph c above, cameras and binoculars may not be taken west
of Hawaii.
Persnnnel traveling to Eniwetok via military ship

should not plan on a stop over in Honolulu to handle these matter:.

Layover and shore leave (if any) at Honolulu are at the discreti=

of the Ship's Captain.


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