tG 132.1 Administrative Plan
Personnel - Annex A



payment by check wile overseas on TDY. Officere' checks can be
sent by the respective Finance Offices to tne individual, a bank
of his choice, or to any other person he may designate. However,
enlisted personnel cannot have checks sent directly to the bank.
They must be sent to the individual or any other person he may


Payment of per diem while on a TDY status in tne forward area

will be made vy the Finance Officer, TG 132.2.

Per diem pay-

ments will be made once eacn month on dates to be announced

later. Upon tis arrival tne Budget and Fiscal Officer, TG 132.1
will review and process per diem vouchers for military personnel
of TG 132.1 stationed on Eniwetok Atoll.

Civilian Personnel

Civilian personnel will make their own arrangements regarding salary
and travel advances with tneir home offices.


Identification Cards

Each individual assigned to or on TDY with TG 132.1 is required to
possess a duly authorized Identification Card prior to departure from

his duty station or place of employment for Eniwetok Atoll. Department of Army personnel are required to possess a DD Form 2A, Department
of Air Force personnel a DD lorm 2AF, and Department of Navy personnel
a DD Form 2N. Civilian personnel not employed by DOD agencies will
be issued a DD Form 2A. ‘.e number of the form is located on the front
left margin of the Identification Card. For civilian personnel a

statement of citizenship will be shown on tne front lower rignt nand
corner of the card in the block marked "Service Number", In the event

military personnel do not have one of tue above mentioned Identification
Cards in their possession, they will immediately contact the organiza-

tion to which they «re assigned. Civilian personnel may obtain
Identification Car: from the Adjutant General, TG 132.1, P. O. Box

1663, Los Alamos, : -w Mexico.

If several civilian Identification Cards

are needed within one project, tne project officer will consolidate
tne requirements and submit them to tne Adjutant General, TG 132.1.

Area access badges for use on the Atoll will be issued after arrivaat Eniwetok in accordance with the procedures set forth in AnnexB Security.

Select target paragraph3