J. C. Bugher


December 1, 1952

A bese program, supported by AEC, which would guarantee
minimum operation of the facilities and support a smail
Brookhaven staff working on AEC problems. Such a program

might involve $30,000 to $50,000 incrementally for direct
costs and supporting services.

B. Work carried out by Brookhaven for other government agencies,

(e.ge, the Air Force), supported by transfers of funds to AEC.


Cooperative work involving personnel from other organizations,

@ege, continuation of the cooperations with the U. S. Weather



Utilization of facilities by industrial organizations and
other research groups on a paying basis, using an industrial
cooperative type of subcontract. Since meteorology is a

secondary interest to the Commission, other groups would
be expected to pay their own way to a much greater extent
than is the case in cooperative work in nuclear science and
technology proper.
There is attached to this letter a description of several specific

proposals made by the Brookhaven meteorological group. They feel
that immediate research on these problems would produce additional
worthwhile results. Since they have been notified of the discon~
tinuance of the meteorological program at the end of the fiscal

year, prompt action is necessary if further work is to continue
at Brookhaven. I feel that this matter should be brought to the
attention of the Washington Office staff and desire that you under~
take the responsibility of obtaining their opinion concerning the
advisability of a future program in meteorology at Brookhaven.

Proposed Meteorological Projects.


Select target paragraph3