J. C. Bugher


December 1, 1952

The Laboratory has proposed that before the above action is taken, the
Commission review the need for further work in this field taking the

following points into consideration.

General and specific problems in meteorology and micro-

meteorology, of fundamental and immediate practical
importance, remaining to be solved.


The Brookhaven tower installation and associated equipment

is probably the best of its kind available.

The area

surrounding it is flat and uncomplicated so that results
obtained here may be expected to be representative of large

segments of the country and the world. Knowledge of the
general regional meteorology and the several years of local
work would make time-consuming preliminaries to future
research unnecessary.


A competent, and experienced staff, thoroughly familiar
with the installation, is available,


The cost of this program to the Commission is insignificant


On the basis of the existence of the Brookhaven project,

to the possible benefit to be derived if the study of the
fundamentals of meteorology is of val ue to the Commission.

fundamental work which has been proposed at other Commission

sites has been turned down. Certainly there should be a
Single Commission sponsored facility wherein problems
involving the fundamentals of the reduction of atmospheric

pollution can be investigated,

The AEC has a variety of important meteorological problems such as
the cispersion of stack and other radioactive effluents and fallout phenomena affecting bomb testing, military applications and

civil defense which require further development.

It is also known

that research utilizing the Brookhaven facilities would be of great
interest to other agencies and organizations and that funds and

personnel for such work could undoubtedly be made available if

In consideration of the above need for additional meteorological

information, with emphasis on field investigations of atmospheric
turbulence with particular reference to dispersion problems, it is
visualized that a cooperative program containing the following
elements could be advantageously pursued at Brookhaven.


Select target paragraph3