On Bikini Island, however, the radionuclide concentrations for '37Cs and

90sr in ground water do exceed EPA recommended guidelines for drinking water.



radionuclide concentrations

exceed the

EPA quidelines for

drinking water, the ground water does not provide a source of usable water in

any case because it 13 too saline to be potable.

We have taken groundwater samples at each of the next two largest

islands, Nam and Enidrik, and, in both cases, the ground water is very saline

and unpotable.

In our study of Bikini Istand, werhave observed that since 1975 there has

been a decrease in the 137c¢. concentrations in the ground water and an

increase in the salinity,

wae attribute this to the continued growth and

development of the root system of the thousands of coconut trees planted on a
30'-grid across the island in 1970 and 1971. The isiand had been cleared
before the start of the agriculture program and from 1971 through 1975 the
trees were very small with rather small root systems.

The trees grew to

significant height from 1975 to 1987, with a corresponding increase in the

root zone; now, the top 40 cm of soil has a high density of coconut roots. At
the same time that the coconuts started reaching maturity, a dense undergrowth
of native vegetation was reestablished under the coconut canopy, also with a

corresponding increase in root mass.


As a result of the maturation of the coconut trees and native vegetation,

more and more of the annua] rainfall is required for evapotranspiration by the

plants, consequently, less and less of the annual rainfall percolates downward
through the soil column to reach the ground water.

In fact, we estimate the

annual water requirement of the current stand of vegetation on the island to

be 40 to 50 inches, or essentially equal to the average annual rainfall.

The !37cs and 90s; reach the ground water by being dissolved in the soil

water and carried into the lens when there is adequate rainfall to recharge

the lens, 1.€., to provide a flow of water down the entire length of the soil


the groundwater



a result of




requirement of the growing vegetation and the resulting reduction of water
Flow to the’ lens, the amount of 137cs transported to the lens has been less
and the '3/Cs concentration has been reduced.

At the same time, the lack of, or reduced, flow of fresh water from the



Inventory to the lens has created a situation, over the past

several years, where the Salinity of the lens has increased.





Only on Eneu

Select target paragraph3