_8as the AE contractor and noted that he had prior to giving them the go ahead
discussed this and gotten approval from ALO, DMA, and JTF-8.

A number of other

companies doing similar work in the Pacific had gotten in touch with the AEC
in various ways and were at least as qualified if not more than Zachry and all
fell into the same category.

Noting a number of detailed justifications for

selecting H&N, among these are their experience in past Pacific operations,


capabilitiy to handle several types of work - engineer management, design, and
prime construction,

the variety of requirements coming from numerous organizations

and how H&N has handled this in the past, the crash time scale and the fact that
H&N has dealt with similar although not quite as restricted time scales successfully
in the past.

Also Reeves gives some specific justification for H&N as well as

in which they have already performed on Dominic as follows:

H&N has, by

careful redistribution and reassignment of personnel, following the- termination of
the Eniwetok-Bikini operations, been able to keep on their payrolls substantial

numbers of key personnel with many years of experience in the type of operation,
both technically and organizationally, peculiar to our weapons tests activities.
In addition, they have taken precautions to maintain contact with many more

individuals whom it was necessary to terminate, with the intention that they could
be rehired with a minimum of lost motion, including the bringing up-to-date of
Q clearances.

This policy was with the full concurrence of DMA.

Up to the present

time H&N has been able to staff key positions in all areas of activity with
approximately 65% personnel who have had extensive experience in our past Pacific


An example of how H&N's ingenuity and experience has paid

off in one specific instance is in that of obtaining construction equipment.


cost of necessary construction equipment for the presently authorized work was

at $250,000.

Thru their contacts with the DOD agencies, surplus

equipment channels, and other channels they have obtained all of this equipment
nr cvedl

with a total cost to the AEC of $20,800.

Authority was given to H&N to pewsee

Select target paragraph3