is noted; on Oahu, Hickam, Barber's Point, and Ford are all noted for Task Force
support; several other Pacific Islands and their general purpose for which ever
laboratory of the DOD are detailed; as for Christmas Island, it is stated that if
negotiations are completed in the immediate future, the open sea series would
move to this location.
Some of the key dates listed are to have all of the ships in Honolulu by Mar. 20

to support an air drop operation beginning 2 Apr.

The first Thor shot is scheduled

for 15 May.
Two key studies to be prepared by H&N as of this date are:

method of moving

scientific instrumentation, particularly trailers, from the open sea array to

Christmas if required, with particular attention given to identifying a date after
which such a change could not be accomplished;
either a

secondly, methods for supporting

Jarvis or Baker Island test with attention given to access.

Here is an interesting series of letters in late Dec. and early Jan. of 62
which have to do with the use of H&N for the preparations and carrying out of
the atmospheric operations in the Pacific.

A Texas contractor known as H. B.

zZachry Co. wrote a letter on 26 Dec. 61 to Seaborg noting that his company who
were presently under contract to the Corp of Engineers doing work at Kwajalein
on DOD missile launch and radar installations, felt themselves to be particularly
qualified to do some of the work in the Pacific on the various islands for the
upcoming tests.

After making their capabilities known to General Betts in late

Oct., there were referred to Hertford, and ALO referred them to H&N.

Zachry noted

in his letter to Seaborg that they had heard nothing from H&N since that time

and that now they were still interested in bidding for some of this work and
wanted to know how to get themselves involved.

Betts was given the task of

handling this letter and forwarded to Hertford who sent it to Reeves who answered
Betts on the 10th of Jan.

He defended the test offices actions in hiring H&N

Select target paragraph3