-6Here is an 8 Jan. 62 committee report from John Pollet of H&N on the 3 Jan.
meeting of the "Operation Staghound - Support Coordination Committee," in Los

The opening words from this meeting state that for this operation (to

be Dominic) "it is necessary to establish a group to review the requirements of
the individual agencies and establish a coordinated plan free of conflicts and

In the past,

for Pacific operations.

the J-6 group of the LASL has had this responsibility


since no separate task group will be formed for

the scientific agencies, and since the engineer-contractor will be deeply involved
in accomplishing the necessary design and construction, it was determined by the
AEC and the users that H&N incorporated, would be in the best position to accomplish

this work."

Thus this support coordination committee was set up with Spain as

Chairman and Pollet as Vice-Chairman and with a committee member from each laboratory.

The initial responsibilities of the committee generally in the area of reviewing
overall requirements for conflicts and interference and coordinating activities
are listed and some of the major efforts now under way for Dominic are presented
in narrative form.

Johnston Island is to have two Thor shots (Starfish and Blue

Gill); the open sea airdrops are to be 15 to 25 to target barges in the open sea
southwest of the Hawaiian Islands; also there are to be 4 to 6 shots on anchored
Liberty ships for moderate diagnostics with the ship modifications to be done at
Pearl Harbor; a neutron distribution and vulnerability tests will be conducted on
an island with heavy instrumentation,

to be either Jarvis or Baker Island at this

time; there are to be 5 or more ships primarily carrying DOD instrumentation for
2 J.1. missile shots;

instrumentation for the airdropped and open sea shots is

presently being planned aboard the Hornet and 3 C-2 ships (Miller, Pendleton, and

the latter of which I am not sure were ever used; the Hornet will be

modified in Long Beach by the Navy and the C~2's in San Francisco by the MSTS;
only LRL and Sandia are noted as having rocket launched instrumentation based out
of Kauai at this time;

the LASL and possible DOD use of Haleakala for instrumentation

Select target paragraph3