should be kept in full and therefore I will make a copy of this confidental
document for our classified files.

Box 546
Here is a folder entitled "Pacific-O & M, 1/61 thru 12/31/62, Vol.


It contains the various staff memorandum from JTF-8 as well as information prior
to the activation of JTF-8 on planning.

The first document quotes from an AEC

staff paper No. 334/43 which reported on a 25 Oct. 61 planning meéting at DASA.
‘Capt. Craig of DMA was the only non-DASA attendee and he reported that JTF-8 had
activated on 24 Oct. but no personnel were in yet and planning was to have 69
people on board in 30 days,

183 in 90 days and 228 in 120 days.

Also $1,000,000

had been obtained as start-up funds with an estimate of $40,000,000 for the first

Another quote concerns personnel:

Commander of JTF~8.
be under Chief, DASA.
JcS - JIF-8.

General Starbird is expected to be

General Lampert is the alternate.

The Commander will initially

Eventually the chain of command will be Sec. of Defense -

This JIF-8 planning group under Col. Mann is to meet weekly until

the Task Force is functioning.

In order for DASA to provide a Task Force plan

of operations to the JCS by the end of Nov. they have requested for the AEC to
provide a specific test program to DASA by 10 Nov.

Here is a 4 Dec. 61 memo from Miller to Reeves documented a 30 Nov. meeting
at ALO of key AEC Dominic personnel,

including Ogle, and since this secret

document with many details of the organization and set-up for the overseas
open sea plan are contained herein,

I will copy it in its entirety for our


Note that there is a copy of Joint Staff memo No. 5,
or may not be in our other files.

7 Dec.

61, which may

Select target paragraph3