Box 234
Here, in a folder entitled "Baker Island and Howland," is a


compiled by JIG 8.3 in Oct. 63 and entitled "Information on Baker, Howland, and
Canton Islands."

It contains a wealth of interesting information about these

3 islands as well as some nice photographs of them.

On 26 Aug. 63, Reeves issued a planning directive, No. PO-6-8-63 on the
close-out of Christmas Island.

Noting that certain facilities had been maintained

in a stand-by basis since the end of Dominic which officially concluded on I Mar. 63,
it is further stated that the AEC has decided on 19 Aug.

to give up Christmas

Island as a base for testing and that this pull-out will be complete by mid-Nov.
The estimate of the effort is to close-out Christmas Island by the end of Sept.
at a cost of about $280,000.

Here is a H&N document, dated Jan. 64, entitled

"Close-out of Christmas Island," No. HN-20-1.

It contains the details of all the

activities that bead up to the total close out including what was left at the
island and what was moved where.

Here is an interesting map of Christmas Island dated in 1958 from the
British, which shows the location of a number of sites, some for cameras, located
on the beach around the southeastern end of the island.

Here, in a folder entitled "Johnston Island," is a pack of interesting
black and white photos which show the construction of the Thor pad,

some blast

hardened buildings and other facilities.

A message from Commander of 8.6 to Starbird in Washington on 24 Mar.
warns that the support facilities, including the sewage plant,


for personnel at

J.I. are already being stressed to their fullest and that all efforts should be

Select target paragraph3