-llhave a Livermore detection station nearby as well as some EG&G equipment.
MM site is shown to have a fair amount of Sandia equipment (7 trailers) and some

EG&G equipment.

Y site is to have 1 LASL trailer.

All 4 of these sites are to

be ready for ' ‘operational occupancy" by 20 Mar.
‘As for the fuel situation,

it is shown that there are to be 2 steel pipelines

from the shore to the tank farms which are to be operational by the 28th of Mar.

On 7 Mar.

63, Carruthors sent out a Livermore announcement that J.


would now be charged with technical direction and basic planning for air drops
whereas F. C. Gilbert would act in a similar capacity for Livermore in high
altitude plans.

Both men are now designated as Deputy Test Group Directors for

Livermore on future Pacific Testing Programs.

NVOO Progress Reports in Apr. of 63 indicate that DMA has approved reduction
of the contractor to about 50 total at Christmas Island by the end of June and
that certain activities such as preparing aggregate for expansion of the runway
facilities are curtailed.

Box 135
These notes will be from various volumes of folders of correspondence on
Dominic, most of them entitled "Dominic,"

but the first is entitled "Ever Ready,

It covers the period Sept. 61 thru Nov. 61.

Here is record of a phone call from E. Bowen of H&N to Sherman Sullivan in
Los Angeles on 13 Sept. 61 wherein H&N proposed to make a study of what it would

take to reactivate Elmer and Sullivan told him that while he felt such a study
would be highly desirable, political considerations might preclude doing this.
Sullivan spoke with Rex of ALO and got agreement that the presence of H&N personnel

Select target paragraph3