-10H&N is to up-grade the Gray Book, with particular details being acquired to

plan for Christmas Island facilities.

A progress report from J. Kyriacopulos,

the AEC Project Engineer at Christmas Island to Rollie Shaw in Honolulu in 8 Dec.

62 indicates that a Lt. Col. Dart is apparently the JTF-8 representative at
Christmas Island (CTG-8.7) and Mr. A. Carter is the H&N representative there.
The average population of US during this period is: H&N-137, AEC-1, military-16,

and General Electric-4.

There is an indication that things are being cleared up

and prepared to turn back to the British since there was an inspection tour made
by Major General T. H. F. Foulkes, Engineer in Chief of the British forces.
He inspected the main camp and was satisfied with the condition of the camp

facilities and the rehabilitation that has been done.

Note also that for some

reason, Admiral Mustin was in the area in this time period.

there is a 10 Dec. memo from Saunders to Shaw which indicates that Ogle

and DMA and others indicate that a fall 63 series is very probable.

For the present,

the AEC is to "maintain our capability for a rapid build-up in the event a fall 63
test series is authorized," and it is expected that DMA will authorize certain
construction at Christmas in Jan. 63 in order to meet deadlines if the tests are

Here is the JTF-8 "Christmas Island Readiness Schedule (CI-RS) for Operation
Dominic 1962" dated 9 Mar. 62.

This supersedes the 19 Feb. version and reflects

changes based on Presemdent Kennedy's announcements on 2 Mar.

LASL received copies

of this secret document but, I will take some notes on it and copy the Christmas
Island site map since it has some simplified site information.

There are to be

accomodations available for 29,011 people in the main camp by 1 Apr. and this
schedule shows the sewage and messing facilities already operational.
scientific sites are shown in detail with A Site,the largest,

3 EG&G trailers,


to have 11 LRL

10 Sandia trailers, and 8 LASL trailers.

D site is

Select target paragraph3