Table 1.

Assumed living patterns.




No use of Bikini Island for the present as a housing or food production
area. Use of Eneu Island for housing and food production. Unrestricted
use of fish throughout the atoll.


Limited use of Bikini Island with residence in houses already constructed.
No additional house construction on Bikini Island for the present. Use
of coconuts grown on Bikini Island. Other food crops grown on Eneu
Island only.

Unrestricted use of fish from all parts of the atoll.

Use of Bikini Island lens water for agriculture only.

Limited use of Bikini Island with the following remedial actions taken:
(a) placing 5 cm of clean coral gravel around the existing houses out to
a distance of 10 m, and (b) removal of the top 20 cm of soil and replace-

Ment with clean soil out to a distance of 10 m around the houses. All
foods grown on Bikini Island are acceptable except pandanus and breadfruit.
Unrestricted use of fish throughout the atoll.
water for agriculture only.



Use of Bikini Island lens

Limited use of Bikini Island with Phase II houses constructed only along
the lagoon road within area 2 of Fig. 4. Remedial actions 3a and 3b are
taken. Use of coconuts grown on Bikini Island. No use of pandanus and
breadfruit from Bikini Island. Unrestricted use of fish throughout the
Phase II housing construction according to the Preliminary Bikini Atoll

Master Plan, but no use of pandanus and breadfruit from Bikini Island.

Unrestricted use of fish throughout the atoll.
and washing only.


Lens water for agriculture

Phase II housing constructed according to the Preliminary Bikini Atoll
Master Plan. All foods grown on Bikini Island are acceptable. Unrestricted
use of fish throughout the atoll. Lens water used for agriculture and
washing only.

‘pattern to be inferred by proper utilization of the results obtained for these cases.
Note that the cases also include assumptions on the food production and consumption plans
of the returning population.

This information is only required for the internal dose

assessment via the specific food chains, and hence is not pertinent to the external dose

The cases are based upon the assumption that the people will reside on either
Bikini or Eneu Island in accordance with the Preliminary Bikini Atoll Master Pian.4


purposes of this report, the cases are primarily directed toward assessing the external
dose associated with various options for housing locations on the two islands.

The first

case is based on the assumption that the people will live only on Eneu Island. The
remaining cases assume residence on Bikini Island at different village sites with various
remedial actions being taken to reduce the exposure rates.

Thus, cases 2-4 assume the

residences are situated along the lagoon road on Bikini Island, areas 1 and 2 in Fig. 4,
while cases 5 and 6 assume the people will live within the interior portions of the island,


Select target paragraph3