ne eelvate,



land area is about 6 kn, and the land height generally averages 3-5 m above mean sea

The islands vary in size from small sandbars of a few hundred square meters in

area to islands having areas of about 2 km?

The islands of most importance for

immediate habitation are Bikini and Eneu Islands.

A total of 23 nuclear tests took place during the testing period.
tests were conducted on barges anchored in the lagoon or on the reef.
subjected to varying degrees of close-in fallout.

Most of the

All islands were

Generally, the prevailing winds

transported the radioactive debris clouds toward the southwest.

One exception, however,

occurred during the Bravo event when unexpected changes in the wind directions caused

the cloud to travel toward the east over Bikini Island.

Most of the radioactive con-

tamination on Bikini Island is due to this event.
This recent survey was designed to evaluate the potential external gamma doses
associated with proposed housing locations on Bikini and Eneu Islands, and to evaluate
the potential doses received through the major terrestrial food crops on the atoll.
survey teams therefore directed their efforts in three major areas:


(1) Gamma-ray

exposure rate measurements and surface soil collections will provide a means for evaluating
the external gamma doses associated with proposed housing locations.

Gamma spectral

analyses of the soil samples will provide information on the fractional contributions of
different radionuclides to the external dose.
whole-body doses from this exposure pathway.

This will enable us to evaluate long-term
(2) Collection of lens water samples will

supply information on the radionuclide activity levels in the groundwater and on the
cycling of radionuclides in the atoll ecosystem.

In addition, salinity measurements and

lens capacity measurements were made at each well to determine the quality and quantity
of water available to the Bikini people for irrigation and/or drinking.

(3) Vegetation-

soil collections will provide information concerning the radionuclide concentrations in
critical food products to evaluate the dose contribution via food chains.

It will also

provide information on the correlation between soil type, soil radionuclide concentrations,
and radionuclide concentrations in key food plants and indicator plant species, which is
necessary in order to develop predictive models.
This is the first in a series of reports which will be based upon the June 1975
survey data; it is directed only at preliminary estimates of the external gamma-ray doses.
The report describes our techniques for measuring geographical variability of the gammaray exposure rates on Bikini and Eneu Islands and how we used the resulting data in

conjunction with population statistics and expected living patterns to estimate the
external gamma doses.

Estimates of the integral first-year and 30-year doses associated

with various options for housing locations on Bikini and Eneu Islands are presented and
compared with appropriate guide values.

The reader should note that these estimates are

still preliminary in nature and may undergo changes when all of the results of the survey
become ‘available. Further information concerning radiation doses that may potentially be
received via groundwater and various food chains will be published upon the completion of
the analyses of the many soil, vegetation, and water samples that were collected during
the survey.


Select target paragraph3