Those on Attached List


Status Reports. Periodic progress reports (at least monthly)
are requested from Project Officer and Radiological Safety
Officer at appropriate intervals or stages of work. These
reports should advise particularly as to status and progress
of that portion of the program for which NVOOis responsible.

Also, problems in those areas for which NVOOis directly

responsible should be identified. On an approximate 30-day
frequency, the Director, Plans Division, will prepare from

these submissions a report to interested agencies on radiological, health and safety progress in accordance with the
provisions of the AEC-DOD Memorandum of Understanding.

Funding. The total funding for the clean-up relative to the resettlement program for Bikini Atoll is expected to be $1.3 million and
will be provided as follows:
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of the Interior (DI)

$300, 000
300, 000

700, 000

The AEC/DOD funds will be available in FY-1969 and provided to
the Project Manager to begin the task. The Department of the

Interior funds will be forthcoming in FY-1970.

The AEC cost

ceiling of $300,000 must be incurred by June 30, 1969. The DOD
funds of $300,000 must be obligated by June 30, 1969. The Project

Manager will utilize the above cited funds for clean-up of Bikini

Atoll including military TDY, travel and other associated costs.

The following procedure is established for the funding and costing
of this work:

AEC funds of $300, 000 are available to Joint Task Force
EIGHT (JTF-8) under Purchase Order No. 69-29, dated

February 4, 1969.

Costs incurred by JTF-8 are to be

billed to the AEC's Nevada Operations Office and costed
against PO No. 69-29. The AEC's total participation is
limited to $300,000.

It is imperative that costs not ex-

ceeding this amount be incurred and reported to AEC prior

to June 30, 1969.

Select target paragraph3