-5the epicenter,

By statistical methods using data from many stations

-an epicenter may be measured with an uncertainty expressed in terms
of standard deviation.
This uncertainty of location does not accompany measurements of
seismic disturbances from nuclear explosives.

Moreover, the exact

time of detonation is generally provided by the Commission, thus resulting increased accuracy of measurement.
A recent publication of results in the Bulletin of Seismological
Society of America provides large benefits to the seismic aspects of
the AEC underground nuclear explosives program.
Measurements of this kind lead not only to better evaluation of

the earth's structure but also form the basis of theoretical and
analytical studies in earth sciences.
no data of this kind were available.

Prior to the advent of testing,
The present situation amounts

to a major milestone in the science of seismology and brings to the AEC
benefits which could not have been anticipated at the outset.


Commission shares these benefits with the scientific community and with
other agencies of the United States Govermment.



One of the most comprehensive programs of seismic investigations
has resulted from the surveillance of clandestine underground nuclear
explosions under the terms of the limited Test Ban Treaty.

On both

sides of the world, free and communist, elaborate systems for seismic
detection have been developed and are now in constant use.

These systems

range from individual stations with small arrays of seismographs to very

Select target paragraph3