
The principles used in scientific studies of earthquakes are the
basic principles of physics and mechanics.

With reliable determinations

of physical properties and the laws governing generation of seismic
disturbances, their propagation, attenuation and effects, applications
in seismology have been extended to many other areas of usefulness to

The most general application of the principles of seismology and
one of the first to be accomplished has been determination of the internal constitution of the earth.

With increased amounts of seismic

measurements of improved accuracy, models of the earth have been successfully devised and tested.

In general terms, we now think of the earth

as a spheroid with three unequal axes, comprised of a central core,
surrounded by a concentric thick mantle and covered on the outside with
a thin crust.

Details of the interior of the earth are still subjects

of discussion and form the basis of continuing programs of worldwide
seismic investigations.

A second area in which applications of seismology have been fruitful
employs chemical explosives to generate seismic disturbances.

These are

propagated to various depths in the crust and used as yardsticks for
measurements of crustal features.

The principal elements of the crust

are physical properties, geologic structure, stratigraphy and the distribution of these features throughout the total crustal eniDOEARCHIVES
The economic benefits of exploration seismology are unprecedented.
With modern seismographic tools and procedures, the future reserves of


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