Under a national administration policy announced at the White House
level in 1961 after the Soviet Union broke the three-year nuclear test
moratorium, we do not publicly announce all tests.

The fact that a test has

been conducted which has not been announced is classified.
policy is that we announce almost all tests


The current


-unless there are reasons for a

public statement such as a venting, or experiments associated with the test

that will be discussed later in unclassified publications.

The current pol-

icy is that all peaceful purposes tests are announced, and their general purpose described in the announcement.

During the years when tests were conducted in the atmosphere, weapons
laboratory researchers wished often that some sort of steady rate of testing
could be achieved.

In those years, tests bunched up to be performed in a

series every year or two in Nevada or the Pacific.
The slide shows that a steady rate has been achieved to a reasonable
degree since underground testing became the basic policy.
to tests during a fiscal year.

The totals relate

The rises and declines per year reflect fis-

cal policy at the national nevel, the basic requirements of the military in
terms of effort needed, and a few other factors.

The difference in number of

tests year to year is not great, as you can see.


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