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Projeet 22,1 - Measurement of Alpha and Booet - L.F. Vouters

The gemma rays produced by the sucleer reaction vere detected by
flucr-photeeel] detectors loested in a lead lined “doghouse” 3,390 feet
from the sero point.

A 27 foot lead pipe served to ecllimate the game

rays onto an array of four fluores.

The four fluores vere positioned in

tandem along the gamme path end vere observed by a total of three photo-

diodes end four photomultiplier units. Costinations of game sttenustors:
betveen flucrs and optiesl attenuators betveen different detector units

on the seme fluor enabled the attainment of complete coverage from the Jéth

generation level to well above the peak expected ,anme signs).

The detector

outputs were transmitted by ceble to recording ceciliogrephs located in
the tlockhouse where caperas provided a permanent file record of the

The reaction history experinent was successful in meqauring the high

explosive transit time and the reaction rate of ae
(i device.

The |


explosive transit time was measured to >

oui the X-unit pulse to the time of 50th generation lev-)
of the fission reaction.


Prelininary reaction history results are indicated in Fig. 22.1-1

and 22.1-2. Pig. 22.1-1 fe a plot of the gama flux (gems mev per on*. 00) incident at the detector station ve time as ottained from a slope -


amplitude fit of the individual pleces of data. Pig. 22.1-2 is an elphe
wa time curve derived from Pig, 22.1-1,

Note that neither curve has



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Select target paragraph3