in tke primary cathode follower and connected directly to the receiving

The 2 sicresecon’ delay line vee added to persit the leading edge

of the waveform to be recorded.
In order to establish a definite tine relationship between the reception of the signal and the triggering of a given device such as a
ecunter or trananitter, o tize parker pip, generated by the delay trigger
and from one of the oscilloscopes, is fed through the 2 sicrosecond delay
line and superiaposed on the initial portion of the received weveforn.

All ocecilloscopes ere calibrated against a known frequency standard
for eveep linearity.

The cathode follover triggering system is set to trigger approximately
6db. above the noise level.

The vertioal deflectormof the oecilloscopes

are set to receive the predicted field strength.

Station A - Parry Jeland
Positive results vere recorded on two of three oscilloscopes.
predicted field strength for this abot vas
measured field etrength was


and the
@ wave forzs vere of

good quality and alao showen jonospteric reflection of the signal.
Station B - Kwajalein
Positive results vere recorded on two of three oscilloscopes.
File bas not been processed completely for analysis but the field strength
from preliminary examination was orroxinete)/ The
predicted value was


Select target paragraph3